Is it possible you are underselling yourself?

Is it possible you are underselling yourself?

You may think you are earning enough money. But are you thriving? Could things be better?

And is it possible you are underearning?

Here’s a quick quiz to see if you may be underearning- If you:

  • Earn at the low end of the scale for your industry (do you know?)…
  • Haven’t asked for a raise or raised your fees in more than 2 years…
  • Are unsure of exactly how much money you need to earn…
  • Are dealing with deprivation— no decent vacations, you are putting off needed work on your house or your self…
  • Sometimes feel overworked and underpaid…
  • Know in your gut you could make more…

Chances are, yes. And you should—and could—be making more.

The fact is… women undersell themselves all the time.

Countless research points to the same results:

When left to ourselves to determine how much we should be earning, we lowball ourselves again and again. Women expect to make less money almost from the very beginning. In fact, we tend to pay ourselves at least 20 percent less than we would pay other people!

When we think about how much our work is “worth”, we rarely think our work can command as much as is really possible.

Plus, women tend to be perfectionists when it comes to our work. We never feel like we are quite good enough to ask for more money.  And there always seems to be a reason to wait to ask for more.

Listen—men are not waiting!

Men ask for more money, more often, than women do. And it’s not just about the money. Would your work be easier if you had a more flexible schedule, more access to the powers-that-be, more resources to do your job, the list goes on. So the question is this:

Are you good enough right now—just as you are—to have a more advantageous working situation and make more money?

I believe you are.

And the first step towards making it happen is to start repeating to yourself, “I deserve to make better money! I deserve better!”

The second step is to get Mikelann’s 12 audio series Unlock Your Earning Power and start listening today.

Mikelann Valterra’s  Unlock Your Earning Power:
11 steps to conquer underearning and step into the prosperity you truly deserve
(12 40-minute audios and 98 page companion workbook)

Unlock Your Earning Program to posperity by Mikelann Valterra

Click here to read more about what is covered in the audios etc or order. 

Here is to more abundance!

Want more help transforming your relationship to money? Check out all the eBooks, audios, and more robust products Mikelann has created. Are you ready to break free of the “money fog” and step into earning what you are worth? Are you are ready to get in touch with your emotions so you never feel out of control around money again? Are you ready to love your financial life? Let Mikelann help you get there. Free items are at the top of the page.