One way to not leave money on the table

One way to truly earn your worth, if you have a particular expertise, is to learn how not to leave money on the table. One way to do this is to take advantage of people’s different learning styles and preferences, and offer your expertise in a number of ways. For example, I love learning in live seminars. But not everyone does. So I’ve learned to “package” my rate-setting expertise in a number of ways. I teach all day seminars on the subject. But I also wrote an eBook on it and recorded audios on it, which I bundled together in a toolkit. ( I’ve taught teleseminars as well. And some people want to work one-on-one with me on the subject, so they pay my hourly fee and I give them my undivided focus.

This was brought home to me last week when I spoke at EWomenNetwork. I had a marketing table and sold my toolkits. Some people were practically desperate for help with their rates and bought my toolkit to go home and use. Other people wanted to take a live seminar. But I haven’t set the dates for seminars yet in 2008. Not good. I probably could have filled a small seminar just from the interest in the room. But I was overly focused on the toolkits, since they are so new. The truth is that everyone learns in a different way. And it is a time and money thing as well. Some people have time to wait for a seminar, and some people need help right now. Some people can afford one-on-one help and some people can’t. Offer people multiple ways to use you. Otherwise, you are leaving money on the table. If you want to earn what you are really worth, you may have to stretch yourself and find ways to offer your expertise in ways that are sometimes uncomfortable to you. But not everyone learns like you do. Stretch yourself. Earn More.