Multi-Tasking Mania and the “to-do” list

Mondays are my day to work “on” my business, as opposed to “in” my business. As such, I don’t see clients on Mondays. But it is one of my busiest days! After working on my to-do list for the week, I worked with a teleconference company on the access codes for my upcoming tele-classes, exchanged about five emails with my web developer (sometimes answering his questions with “I have no idea”), sent a round of edits to the editor of my upcoming ebook How to Set and Raise Your Rates, prepared a web blast on my latest “transform your relationship to money” women’s support group, talked to a client who was having an issue that just couldn’t wait, registered a woman into the new support group, talked to a potential client about my services, and continued working on finding new lease space for my office.

How do I get so much done? Every Monday morning, after I drop my son off at school, I head to a coffee shop and work on my to-do list for the week. This hour is the most important hour of my week. I can’t imagine not spending this hour thinking and planning. I sit with my work journal (a spiral notebook that contains my latest thinking and all my to-do lists), my agenda and a good cup of coffee. I review my to-do list from last week (with boxes that are either checked off or not) and then re-write a new list for the current week. I look at my calendar for the week and slot in time to do different projects, in between clients. Then I head to my office, download email and dive in.