Are willing to expand how you look at money? Are you willing to deepen your relationship to money?
A lot of women are in pain around money, and I want to change this. One reason they are in pain is because they don’t earn enough, despite how good they are in their work. “Underearning” is about the pattern of earning below your potential. And while this is relative, I know far too many amazing women who underearn.
I believe that what fuels underearning is a fractured approach to money—an approach that doesn’t nurture your relationship to money. Perhaps you look at the mechanics of finance, trying to figure out how to earn more, debt less and save more. Or you look at your money beliefs and try to figure out why you do what you do, fighting your discomfort or ambivalence about money. Maybe you practice an affirmation for a while. But this fractured approach doesn’t honor your overall relationship to money. And maybe this is part of the problem. Do you want this relationship? Or does your relationship to money feel like an “arranged marriage” and now you just have to make do?
It may sound overwhelming, but in my years as a money coach, I’ve found that when women embrace a more holistic relationship to money, and decide to actively nurture this “relationship” on many levels, making money becomes easier and easier.
So I want to invite you to look at ALL three aspects of your relationship to money. It’s time to attend to your emotions and core beliefs around money (emotional money), AND learn skills around asking for and managing money (practical money), AND master the metaphysics of money– how what you think and feel affects your financial life. In short, it’s time for a well rounded holistic approach to this vital relationship, so you can earn what you are really worth. This is the way out of financial pain and into abundance. And this is the path to a more authentic relationship to money.
If you maintain a narrow view of money, looking at only slices of how you relate to finance, your relationship to money stays painful at worst and inconsistent at best. You may earn more for a while and then find yourself slipping backwards—engaging in financial self-sabotage or simply not able to sustain the level you desire. And if you persist in being compartmentalized about money, you will forever keep true abundance at arm’s length!
We are complex beings who are both emotional and intellectual. For too long we have viewed money as either a neutral tool at our disposal or the embodiment of our personal energy. This goes back to the very mind-body split that so many now rail against! Let’s heal this split around money. Let’s look at finance in a way that honors all the facets of who we are.
The good news is that it is possible to have a fabulous relationship to money—a relationship that nurtures you and supports you earning what you’re really worth. As we pay more attention to our emotions around money, learn useful skills around asking for and managing money with ease, and master the metaphysics of money, we step more and more into our true potential. We become more alive. We release limitations and step into our power.
So the question is—are you willing to expand how you look at money? Are you willing to enter into a deeper relationship? If you find the mechanics of money easy, are you willing to look at the emotional aspects? Or if you are at ease in the emotional realm, are you willing to learn some new skills? The first step to earning your worth is to be willing to look at your relationship to money, in all its facets.
Join me as I journey with you down all three of these paths. Please consider earning your worth as a true journey of self-discovery. Healing and transforming your relationship to money is one of the most intense personal growth journeys you can make.