Fear, Dread, and Leaky Roofs: 4 steps to vanquishing your money fears

The kitchen ceiling It was a dark and rainy night, and I was returning home from the dance studio where I had been happily dancing Tango. Money was definitely not on my mind. Rather, tango dresses occupied my thoughts. I walked in the door and my 12-year-old niece who lives with me, ran to me. … Continue reading Fear, Dread, and Leaky Roofs: 4 steps to vanquishing your money fears

7 Symptoms of Underearning–Identify your Pattern and Step into Prosperity

Remember that “underearning” is the pattern of earning below YOUR potential. It’s about underselling yourself, even though you don’t want to. But you can’t overcome this pattern if you don’t see it. You must identify your pattern- your behaviors– in the first place. Women tend to see each situation in isolation—it is time to connect … Continue reading 7 Symptoms of Underearning–Identify your Pattern and Step into Prosperity

Work, Time, and Money: Does more money equal less personal time?

I’ve taught many classes on conquering underearning. And one common belief that comes up for women time and again is the assumption that if you made better money, you would have to work harder and have less personal time. Our time is precious to us. I get it! We want time for our ourselves, time … Continue reading Work, Time, and Money: Does more money equal less personal time?

Healing the disconnect between work and money—Ask this one question

Recently, I went to a large chain bookstore and stood in front of several shelves of business and career development books. From how to write your resume to how to decide what you want to do with your life, it was all there. Everything, that is, except money.  I grabbed a pile of the most … Continue reading Healing the disconnect between work and money—Ask this one question