the retirement wisdom podcast

Podcast: Money and Emotions—The Retirement Wisdom Episode

Most of us want to enjoy our retirement someday. And money plays a role—an emotional role. So if you are curious about the emotional side of money, this podcast episode is for you.  Joe Casey, from the Retirement Wisdom podcast, dove into exploring our money beliefs and analyzing where they come from. More importantly, how … Continue reading Podcast: Money and Emotions—The Retirement Wisdom Episode

women beyond a certain age podcast

Podcast: Women of a Certain Age talk about money

Listen to this saucy conversation on women and money, as host Denise Vivaldo chats it up with Mikelann Valterra.  They hit it ALL, including what  really motivates spenders vs. savers, stories about how siblings in the same family are so very different with money (and why), and stories of women underselling themselves until Mikelann and … Continue reading Podcast: Women of a Certain Age talk about money

Rachel’s Rhinestone Earrings: The Secret to Spending money on What Matters

Rachel’s Rhinestone Earrings: The Secret to Spending Money on What Matters

My own first money coach, Karen McCall, wrote in her book, Financial Recovery, “Chronic overspending comes from a deep internal state of longing. The spender keeps trying to fill an emotional void by buying things.” Have you ever bought something you didn’t really need or even want as a way to lift your spirits, feel … Continue reading Rachel’s Rhinestone Earrings: The Secret to Spending Money on What Matters

the mean show podcast

Podcast: Get older, stay cool and protect your passions

When Kristen Philipkoski, who hosts the popular online Mean Magazine (Mean Magazine — Lifestyle and irreverence for grown women  (tagline: Get Older, Stay Cool), invited me to chat, I jumped at the chance. We talked about it all!  Here is what host Kristen said about our conversation:  “One of my biggest takeaways from Mikelann was … Continue reading Podcast: Get older, stay cool and protect your passions