When a biz should stay a hobby- Lessons from my ten year old

My fifth grade son started a business. He didn’t ask me about it. He just did it. He’s a Lego kid and loves to customize his little Lego mini-figures with paint and stickers etc.  So one day he announced he was going to sell his customized Lego figures at school. I said very little, deciding … Continue reading When a biz should stay a hobby- Lessons from my ten year old

Rock the boat or accept what you’re given?

Check out this article in the Sacramento Bee— Do women undercut their financial future? Claudia Beck interviewed me on my view on underearning. As always, this is a sensitive issue. Of course there is outside discrimination and reasons why women may earn less than men—reasons beyond their control.  But “underearning “is about the role that … Continue reading Rock the boat or accept what you’re given?

A Tale of Buying the Perfect Curtains—and the pain and pleasure of shopping

There I was, in Bed, Bath & Beyond, contemplating using a credit card. Horrors! I am, first and foremost, a money coach. And as such, I’ve spent ten years working with people on their relationship to money—needless to say; this is a complicated and emotional relationship! And one of the most emotional aspects is in … Continue reading A Tale of Buying the Perfect Curtains—and the pain and pleasure of shopping