8 steps to avoiding that holiday spending hangover

Yes, I know it’s only mid-November. But we all know that we’re starting to do some holiday planning.  Last night my sister and new brother-in-law were at my house for their first year wedding anniversary dinner party (I made the perfect pork roast!) and we started talking about exchanging gift lists. She is hosting this … Continue reading 8 steps to avoiding that holiday spending hangover

What pulls your trigger? Four reasons you may overspend

Do you ever feel triggered? Do you ever find yourself spending money you didn’t intend, but you do it anyways? Sometimes I feel almost defiant when I’m in this mode. “I know I didn’t plan this. But screw it! I’m buying this!” Usually, it is because I’m triggered. Over the years, I’ve gotten in touch … Continue reading What pulls your trigger? Four reasons you may overspend

Are you giving up control to electronic banking? My rant

The other day I’m watching television and I see this Chase commercial announcing that they now have a smart phone app that lets you know when your bank balance is getting low. They’ll “alert” you. The commercial shows a woman in the middle of a yoga class getting such an alert. She calmly extends her … Continue reading Are you giving up control to electronic banking? My rant

Your Money Personality– What really motivates you?

If you have  some extra money that comes in unexpectedly, what do you do with it? Your answer may be related to your own money personality. We all have different “money personalities”. And one simple way to think about your own personality is to ponder what truly motivates you around money. What is important about … Continue reading Your Money Personality– What really motivates you?

Three reasons we live with the Money Fog Monster

That faceless, nameless monster wrapping its numbing tentacles around you may be none other than: the Money Fog Monster. Run! Scream! Hide! But it has a hold on you…. What exactly is this Money Fog Monster? Well it doesn’t really like to be pinned down (or it would lose some power), but let’s throw out … Continue reading Three reasons we live with the Money Fog Monster

More shopping advice and the pain of parting with your stuff

You know my motto: Earn more and spend wisely! So this post is about that second part- because it doesn’t matter if you earn more- if you blow it all at Target.  Well, thanks to the hot new field of “neuroeconomics”, I’ve learned another bit of shopping advice. Recently, I wrote in a post about … Continue reading More shopping advice and the pain of parting with your stuff