Free Resources
Podcast: Do You Know Your Financial Personality
Sarah Walton, a business mentor for women, is the host of Game on Girlfriend! Sara and I had a very lively discussion on the two main money personality types. I call them the “Liberty money personality” and the “Safe Harbor money personality”. Understanding this helps us understand our financial decisions better. Why do we do what we do? We also dove into how our money personality impacts us in relationships, and yes, in divorce. (Hint- we often partner up with an opposite money personality.) And of course, there is a silver lining to divorce—we become captain of our own ship. Last, we talked about how to avoid “money ADD”. Financial elegant simplicity is the answer. Game on, girlfriend!
Podcast: Dealing with Financial Anxiety
The airwaves took me to Australia this month where I guested on Financial Advisor and Money Mindset Coach Amie Baker’s podcast, Centsability. Listen to this lively conversation where we cover it all. Why do women stress over money? What do our childhoods have to do with how we feel about money? How can we feel truly abundant? This is a deep dive and you’ll love it.
Podcast: Divorce and Your Money Personality

Free 7-step process:
"How to Stop Stressing About Money and Create a Life You love”
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Ebook: The truth about under earning.
20 page eBook: If you find yourself constantly frustrated with the amount of money (or lack thereof) in your life, you may be underearning. If your income does not support the life you want to live, provide the opportunities you’ve dreamed of, allow you flexibility and space to make thoughtful and intentional decisions, underearning is likely the root cause.
You’re earning less income than you should be making, and you’re in good company. Millions of professional women worry about their future, long to enjoy their life more right now, but are earning far less than their true potential.
In this free 20 page eBook, learn what “underearning” really is, how to begin to dissolve this pattern, and take the underearning quiz to find out if you are in fact underearning and what to do about it.
When you begin to understand what underearning truly is, you unlock the immense power that dissolves the blocks that stand in your way. This is your chance to unlock your earning potential, increase your income and start enjoying the comfortable life of a well -paid, valued professional. This eBook explores more than 14 ways (oftentimes subconscious ways) that we undersell ourselves.
The first and most important step to earning what you deserve is to name the pattern in your life that has kept you from earning what you’re worth. Name it, then you can change it.
Ebook: The Money Fog and Underearning- break through to abundance.
In this 16-page eBook, Mikelann explores how we can earn more money by busting out of the “money fog”. She explains exactly what this insidious fog is that envelopes so many of us, and shares stories of women who confronted this fog. (She includes a quiz to help you identify the money fog in your life). Then she explores the hidden connections between debt and underearning—connections only a money coach could truly know.
Mikelann shares from her 25 years of experience coaching women on money, how our money habits actually impact the amount of money we make. She also explores the sensitive topic of inherited wealth and its secret impact on earning money.
Most important, she shares the road out—how to exit the money fog to greater earnings. Be prepared to connect some dots in a way you never have. If you long to make more money and feel trapped in the endless cycle of simply trying to get ahead, read this eBook.
Ebook: 45 Powerful Tips for Earning What You’re Really Worth
8 page eBook: Enjoy idea after idea of tips to conquer underearning. This includes everything from small shifts in thinking to practical “do this now” strategies.
Escaping Noble Poverty with Integrity
If you’ve ever felt bad about money – having it or spending it, then check out this audio. “Noble Poverty” is the often unconscious belief that there is virtue in not having a lot of money – and this belief keeps us from living abundant lives. In this audio, I help you explore the unconscious money beliefs and stories that so many of us have around money. And I will help you break the negative connections you may have to wealth. If you long to live a more abundant life, feel good about it, and know that your abundance is a good thing for the world, then this audio is for you.
With this audio, you will learn to:
▪Diagnose your own “noble poverty” with powerful questions. Identifying it is the first step to ending it.
▪Explore money in connection to “anti-materialism.” Is there enough for everyone?
▪Understand “voluntary simplicity” and how it differs from noble poverty.
▪Examine self-deprivation in your own life—so you can have more.
▪Learn a powerful exercise to help you change your feelings about wealth.
▪Discover a new definition of abundance that works better for everyone!
Your brain on shopping—how to take back control and love what you spend
Are you fascinated with some of the latest findings on brain science? Want to know the practical connections to how we shop? You may think you know why you spend money, but the reality is parts of our brains drive us to spend in ways we simply don’t realize. No one is as fully in control as they think. Does that sound scary? I think so! But take heart. In this audio I share the latest on shopping, brain science, and our emotions. Prepare to be absolutely fascinated! And most important, you will leave this audio with four strong tips that will help make you a more conscious spender. Retailers spend billions of dollars to manipulate us. It’s time to take some control back. What if you were more conscious about how and why you spend? You would feel more in control and you would actually enjoy spending your money – guilt free. And how awesome would that be?
How to escape the “Money Fog” so you can use the Law of Attraction
Do you feel caught in a never-ending circle between debt, expenses, and the pressure to work more and more (to pay your debt and your expenses)? Are you tired of this vicious cycle? In this audio I talk frankly about the impact this money-life drain has on us – all the way to our physical and spiritual health. And yes, I talk about the way out. As you will see, it is the “money fog” that blocks our exit and impacts our ability to heal our relationship to money. Once we exit it and stop feeling like we are caught in a financial drain, then we can start to use the law of attraction! Trust me, it will work better. So if you’re ready to take control of your money, enjoy this meaty audio I made for you.
Audio: The Transformative power of a personal money practice
Sara Harvey Yao, national executive leadership consultant, interviewed me on creating a “personal money practice” after noticing money was a common trend among her clients. This audio can help everyone embrace their goals of stronger presence, less stress, greater impact, and more peace around money.
Audio: How your inner Good Girl can break free and earn more money
If you want everyone to like you and don’t want to make anyone mad, you need this audio. Discover ways people undersell themselves, some intriguing differences between men and women, “noble poverty” and why people struggle to break through their earning ceilings.